
COLLEGE OF THE BARBS - (Pradeltorno, Turin, Italy)

Waldensian Center, operating on and off since 2007, is a training program which implements the principles of true education as set forth in the Scriptures and magnified in the writings of Ellen White; in its methods, subjects, motivation, teachers, etc. It offers an all round mental, physical and spiritual training course that can be completed in about one year, preparing the student for the joy of service in this life and the higher joy of wider service in the world to come. It follows in the steps of the ancient Italian Piedmont Mountains' waldensian training school for their "Barbs" (pastors/missionaries), and schools of the early 1900s, such as Avondale College (in Australia), and Madison College (in Madison, Tenn. USA) which sought to implement the blueprint of education spoken of above, in offering an industrial, agricultural, academic, medical, and Gospel missionary training.

We are experiencing a small window of liberty, in some cases allowing people to travel in the Philippines domestically without defiling their bodies. And so, after a short trial of having a fully online training, we are postponing our online training program while we restart our onsite training while it remains possible.

Available courses

This is the place for Teachers Training, Teacher's forum, discussion and announcements for teachers.

Credit Hours: n/a

🇬🇧 In this course the student will learn the duty and privilege of prayer, how to pray, the subject matter for prayer, position and attitude for prayer, examples of prayer, etc.

  • "We need to know how to pray. It is not tame, spiritless prayers that take hold of the divine attributes." HP 75.5

    "Prayer is a heaven-ordained means of success." HP 75.6

    "Not only were the students taught the duty of prayer, but they were taught how to pray, how to approach their Creator,..." Ed 47.2

🇫🇷 Dans ce cours, l'étudiant apprendra le devoir et le privilège de la prière, comment prier, le sujet de la prière, la position et l'attitude pour la prière, des exemples de prière, etc.

  • "Nous devons savoir comment prier. Ce ne sont pas les prières apprivoisées et sans esprit qui s'emparent des attributs divins. " HP 75.5
  • "La prière est un moyen de réussite prévu par le ciel." HP 75.6
  • "Non seulement on a enseigné aux élèves le devoir de la prière, mais on leur a appris comment prier, comment s'approcher de leur Créateur,..." Ed 47.2

Credit Hours: 1/2

🇬🇧A study of the history of the world from creation to David, king of Israel. This will involve a study of Genesis through 1 Samuel, and the book Patriarchs and Prophets.

🇫🇷Une étude de l'histoire du monde, de la création à David, roi d'Israël. Cela implique une étude de la Genèse à 1 Samuel, et le livre Patriarches et Prophètes.

Credit Hours: 5

🇬🇧 The student will learn to use Biblical study tools such as lexicons, Bible atlases, Bible dictionaries, concordances, Bible software, Young's Analytical Concordance, Strongs Exhaustive Concordance, etc.

🇫🇷 L'étudiant apprendra à utiliser les outils d'étude biblique tels que les lexiques, les atlas bibliques, les dictionnaires bibliques, les concordances, les logiciels bibliques, la concordance analytique de Young, la concordance exhaustive de Strongs, etc.

Credit Hours: 1/2

🇬🇧The Study of the history of the world prior to and including the time of the flood.

  • Genesis #1 - #10
  • Patriarchs and Prophets #1 _ #7

🇫🇷L'étude de l'histoire du monde avant et y compris l'époque du déluge.

  • Genèse 1 à 10
  • Patriarches et Prophètes 1 à 7

Credit Hours: 1/2

The study of the origin of races and nations, from the descendants of Noah.

Credit Hours: 1

In this course the student will study the principles, the history, the methods, motivation, subject matter, textbooks, authority etc. of true education. The student will be required to read material by SDA educators such as E. A. Sutherland, and A. T. Jones, E. G. White, and the Bible. The proper balance of physical mental and spiritual aspects will be discussed. Questions such as should a person go to college, the extent of the role of parents in education, etc. will also be discussed.

Credit Hours: 1

This course will consider the effects that various environmental conditions have on our health. It discusses things such as air, water, industrial pollutants, agricultural chemicals, EMF, and various other factors influencing our health.

Credit Hours: 3
This course looks at the history and the scientific aspects of drugs, including vaccines, how they work, and what the physiological affects are. It also considers what the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy has to say about the subject.
Credit Hours: 1

In this course the student will learn practical anatomy and physiology in connection with the laws of health, and the cause of disease, and God's methods of natural healing. To be a medical missionary we need to have a good understanding of physiology to be able to formulate an appropriate remedy.This class is a must for those who wish to be medical missionaries.

I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work. The work of a minister is to minister. Our ministers are to work on the gospel plan of ministering. . . . {CH 533.1}
You will never be ministers after the gospel order till you show a decided interest in medical missionary work, the gospel of healing and blessing and strengthening. Come up to the help of the Lord, to the help of the Lord against the mighty powers of darkness, that it be not said of you, "Curse ye Meroz, . . . curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the Lord." Judges 5:23. . . . {CH 533.2}
... Take hold of the medical missionary work, and it will give you access to the people. Their hearts will be touched as you minister to their necessities. As you relieve their sufferings, you will find opportunity to speak to them of the love of Jesus. . . . {CH 533.3}
Credit Hours: 5

This test is a prerequisite for Greek. If you don't do very well on this test, you need to take the English Grammar Course before you can take Greek. Regardless if you will be studying Greek, this may help determine if you need to take the English Grammar Course for other reasons. We encourage you to take this test before the first term starts so that you can know if you need to take the English Grammar Course in order for you to take Greek in the second term.

Credit Hours: 1/2

This course covers the basics of English Grammar and is a pre-requisite for Greek.

Credit Hours: 2
This course aims to help non-native speakers to learn the formal grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation of spoken and written English.

The beginner's course is for students who have very little to no background in the English Language.
Credit Hours: 1

This course aims to help non-native speakers to learn the formal grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation of spoken and written English.

Credit Hours: 3

This class presents the history of music, and its different genres, styles, etc. It discusses the principles of music discernment, what elements make something right or wrong? Actual music clips will be used to demonstrate various styles and their elements and effects on physiology.

Credit Hours: 1

This course is to learn the basics of operating a computer, privacy and security issues, the basic components of a computer and associated terms, and taking care of your computer

Credit Hours: 1

This course is a study of the Old Testament from the time of Solomon to the end of the OT. Prophets and Kings is the textbook for this class.

Old Testament 1 is a pre-requisite for this class.

Credit Hours: 5

This is a study of the theology and history of the Biblical teaching about God.

Credit Hours: 1

This is a study of the Sanctuary and its services, and the nature of Christ who is the central figure and focus of the Sanctuary.

Credit Hours: 1

This is a study of history that was written before it happened, from the book of Daniel, from about 600 B.C. to the second coming.

Credit Hours: 1

In this course the student will study the biblical role for men, women, fathers, mothers, children, wives husbands, brothers and sisters. He will also be made aware of the specific attacks that satan has made on these roles and how he has tried to obscure them. The student will learn the different ways that the genders think and feel, and the various love languages for different people. It will also consider the biblical way of finding that life partner, and appropriate rules of chastity and propriety.

Credit Hours: 1
Credit Hours: 5
Credit Hours: 3
Credit Hours: 1

This is the study of plant nutritional needs, soil nutrition and texture, amending soil naturally, etc.

Credit Hours: 1

This course uses Desire of Ages as the Textbook.

Credit Hours: 5

This course covers how inspiration works, and especially focusing on the inspiration of Ellen White. It discusses various issues concerning Ellen White's works such as plagarism charges, editorial work, supposed false prophecies, and various charges laid against her.

Credit Hours: 2
Credit Hours: 1
Credit Hours: 1/2

This course is an in depth study of the use of water as a modality. We look at its intrinsic effects and the reflexive effects, the thermic, metabolic, nervous, circulatory effects, etc. 

Credit Hours: 5

Basic Greek 1 is a pre-requisite for this class.

Credit Hours: 3
Credit Hours: 1

Organizing, filing, data base software, contact management, bulk emailing, etc.

Credit Hours: 1

This course covers false teachings such as feast keeping, holy names, God Does not kill, Lunar Sabbaths, etc.

Credit Hours: 1

This course is a study of the early church, and the lives of the apostles, using Acts of the Apostles by Ellen White as a textbook

Credit Hours: 4

This is a study of qualifications, responsibilities and character of Gospel workers. It contains valuable instruction on how to be effectual workers, and cautions to avoid. Gospel Workers by Ellen White is our textbook.

Credit Hours: 2

This course covers the subject of various ways to evangelize. It discusses the entering wedge and how to use health as a tool for evangelism, the importance and methods of using literature, and the place of preaching.

Credit Hours: 1

In this course we analyze the several different lines or types of Greek manuscripts, their history, and validity. We discuss principles of textual analysis, and the counsel of the Spirit of Prophecy concerning higher criticism. We consider the various manuscript differences and their significance.

Credit Hours: 2

This is a course in Geography with demographics of religions, races, cultures, Gospel needs, etc.

Credit Hours: 2

This is a study of the history of the Advent Movement and the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Credit Hours: 2
Credit Hours: 1/2

This course looks at the entire program of healing for various diseases, making use of herbs, water, exercise or massage, air, sunlight, proper diet, etc.

Credit Hours: 3

This course considers the many healing modalities promoted by the naturopathic profession, and examines how we can determine if it is a valid modality or not.

Credit Hours: 1
Credit Hours: 2
Credit Hours: 1

The student will learn to code with html, css, and some php, and will learn to secure a domain name, hosting site, and build and run a web site.

Credit Hours: 1
Credit Hours: 1

This course is filled with prerecorded Sabbath Schools for young people. It is packed with nature lessons, SDA history, stories of pioneers, science demonstrations, quizzes, Bible and other stories, etc. Your young people and even parents will be greatly blessed by these programs gathered from years of Sabbath School programs presented at Smyrna Gospel Ministries.

This course is not yet opened, but we hope to have it opened soon.

Credit Hours: n/a